My traveling aspirations have remained the same for years:
1. I will go to Ireland before I die. And, God willing, if I can afford to be any more particular than that, I would like to be there more than a week. And possibly hit Scotland up as well. They are my people too, apparently even more so than the Irish.
2. Greece fascinates me, Santorini specifically. I also think it would make a fascinating and exotic honeymoon.
3. And despite myself, I would love to traipse around Germany and/or Austria. If not, just to practice my German. And drink beer. And wear lederhosen while visiting Neuschwanstein.
Granted, if I had unlimited funds I would travel the world. No limits. Fjords in Norway...authentic ramen and sushi in Japan...quaint French countryside...the streets of Rio de Janiero...poutine in Quebec...Prague...New Zealand...Morocco...Cairo...Hong Kong...Singapore...
If all that doesn't happen, I will still die happy. But I'd like to officially add India as #4 on my list. For some reason, the word "fascinate" comes to mind again, but in a different way. I am devoutly Christian, but India has a certain spirituality (organized religion aside) that speaks to all. The food would be endlessly exciting. And who doesn't love elephants and monkeys???