Saturday, December 28, 2013

what a difference a year makes...

I have officially been spoiled rotten by my man in 2013.  

Well, at least by my standards.  You have to keep in mind that this is coming from a girl whose previous relationships were...well, less than stellar.  A hot date in my early twenties was Wendy's.  Or, for special occasions, TGIFriday's.  Yes, I was a lucky lucky girl.  

And now I have someone who is just as generous as I am.  Not that I'm simplifying it to that.  I just have a very different life now as opposed to an impoverished college student dating an impoverished college student, both of which were plugging along in the industry.  (Among other unimpressive relationships that don't even enter on the radar.)  Blatantly put, Mike and I worked very hard to be where we are, which is a much better place than where we struggled to be out of over a year ago.  

I can now write freely.  Literally.  My archaic laptop is an item of the past.  I am now mobile and can blog where I want and do so unobtrusively.

2014 will be amazing in so many ways.  We've been members of 24 hour fitness for almost a month now.  Surprisingly, I was the main driving force behind that one.  Big adult life decisions!  I believe I've actually openly proclaimed that I would never be a "gym person" and now I find myself SLOWLY on the way to becoming one.  What can I say, the last couple years have lead me to make several healthy decisions in many ways.  And reinvigorating that competitive nature within has kinda done wonders.  

I'm finally excited for life and where things will take us.  Our relationship has been through some pretty unorthodox things, but maybe that's why we are where we are.  
You and me baby, until the wheels fall off.