My irrationally paranoid (as if any paranoia is rational) mind was convinced that somebody was stabbed in the apartment elevator tonight, or at least it was for five seconds before reason set in. We've had a barrage of various construction workers in and out of our building lately, so the possibility for suspect behavior seemed to be high. At least in my world. Not that I'm implying those employed in the field of construction are more likely to commit a homicide. The more probable option would be an enraged and sleep deprived tenant (not unlike myself) was driven insane by their incessant early morning noise and stabbed one of those neon-clad slumber-hating mongrels. And this took place in the elevator, maybe for easy body disposal, resulting in the disturbingly bloodlike splatters on the floor of said elevator.

It was either that or candle wax. Maybe somebody was holding a midnight vigil for someone that tragically died in the elevator shaft years ago? In which case, I hope there's no ghosts in my apartment. Cause I could handle that even less than the lack of sleeping in lately.
I can't explain how my mind works, but in my defense, at least logic usually sets in. Usually.
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