Mondays, I love you dearly. You are mine to do with as I please. I never pick up a shift. I never feel obligated to go along with someone else's plans, or any plan for that matter. I never feel obligated to do anything...period. Sometimes I even go incommunicado. No matter what, relaxation is a requirement after the chaos of the weekend...this weekend especially.
Tiara Lynn got married on Saturday. The first Mary to be a Mrs. Mary. Amber and Jen were able to come in from the mainland for the weekend in order to celebrate the festivities. Awesome, but unfortunately I couldn't afford to take off an entire weekend from work in order to play. Taking a Saturday off was as much as my budget allows. It's that time of the month where rent rears it's ugly head.
This whole last week has been nuts. I had plans on all my days off and then some. And despite the lingering vog (at least until Tuesday), I was determined to have a life again. Last Monday, Hannah and I stopped by Lulu's for industry night (half off the entire menu!) to meet up with her two girlfriends, who I had never met. It was all very Sex in the City, without the stuffy Manhattan connotations. (I'm possibly only saying that out of envy.) We did have drinks and talk about men though. No, there weren't cosmos and none of us are really whoring around like Kim Cattrall, but you get the point. Then she and I headed downtown to O'Tooles for some much-needed Mike Love therapy.
He is just ridiculously talented. I'm not even much for the reggae or jawaiian genres, but I guess I don't classify him as anything. And he makes my heart happy, which is a much needed reprieve lately. Just reminds me that there is life beyond a crappy relationship.
Precious and I had our weekly beach date on Wednesday. I love the ritual of it. I like having a regular reminder that I actually live in Hawaii. Plus, there's the obvious girl talk time while her kids are playing. And the boys are my buddies too. It's like they're my little dates.
Thursday she and I ventured out shopping for appropriate wedding outfits. I had my dress already, thanks to a spontaneous $30 deal at Ross. But the shoes and accessories were a mystery to my fashion-challenged mind. Thanks to Precious' patience and my persistence, I found these:
My glorious 1940's Hollywood inspired lantern shoes! Yes, we named them lantern shoes. And they were a hit! My favorite pair of heels ever. I was very proud of the ensemble I acquired for a hundred dollars. I felt like a lady and that is money well spent.
Saturday's festivities began early. Looking like a lady takes preparation. And that sucks when you have to be at the Hale Koa in Waikiki by 10:30am. Since the family is Mormon, we all anticipated a dry wedding. (An oxymoron, in my mind.) So most of us planned on meeting up early to sneak in a few mimosas. Surprisingly, this did not happen. Come to find out that, even on a Saturday, nobody serves that early. Damn them for making us feel like alcoholics!
The hotel bar across the hall opened it's doors at 11am so we discreetly made our way over there promptly at 11:01am. It was easy considering our tables were located within a foot of the exit. (Was this intentional? Had Tiara predicted our desire for booze?) So there we were doing Patron shots before noon on an empty stomach and in an empty hotel bar. Tasteful and appropriate, as always.
The wedding reception itself was entertaining on all levels. Crazy fucking Samoans! As a people, they are insane. Tiara's family is a little bit nuts as well, but it's all in good fun. The Mormons may not drink, but the Samoans can throw a party! If there was alcohol involved there may have been a mosh pit at some point. Even the most mundane and traditional wedding moments were ridden with "chee-hoos" from the fired up audience. And they have some mad dancing skills involving wriggling around on the floor and slapping it. Damn, I wish I took video. All in all, it made me feel extremely white lol. Actually, I think I may have been the only white person there (excluding Buca folk). Not an unfamiliar sensation to have in Hawaii.
After the party, subsequent photos, and goodbyes, we set out to find the after party. Or rather, create our own. The night took us many places. Eventually it was just Wheeler, Amber and I left to explore the evening. The others either had not requested off work or had tickets to the Nas concert at Kaka'ako. The boyfriend just randomly headed home at one point, deciding that he had had enough. The girls and I headed down to the Maile Sky Court, which was where Amber was staying. Conveniently, that is also where Deep End is located and, although Marya wasn't working, she was there as a guest. After meeting her current man, a stand-in for Dann-o on Hawaii Five-O (and not shy about advertising so) and having a quick drink, we headed downtown for 80's night at Bar 35. I normally hate downtown, but I do love 80's music, only they were having 40's night during 80's night? Understand, they hadn't canceled 80's night. The hits of the 80's were still playing, only they were interspersed with a few Big Band hits. And then there were a bunch of girls decked out in retro garb, all vying for the best 40's costume. (I think our cocktail waitress was confused, as she was dressed as a flapper and informed us that it was the Roaring Twenties. Epic failure on her part.) It was amusing. I had French raspberry beer of some sort. A strange and new (drunk) choice on my part, but it was delicious. Not overpowering in sweetness, but not completely beer-ish either.
I called it a night fairly early and rather suddenly. I recall searching for the girls after using the lavatory, but just ended up calling them to let them know I was taking a cab home. Sometimes you just know when to call it quits.
Sunday I woke up hungover and then continued to make a few bad life choices lol. Earlier in the week a few of us had planned to go on a booze cruise before work. Sounds wise, yes? Once I woke up and felt the extent of my hangover I rethought my decision. On one hand, it was my last chance to hang out with Amber and Wheeler before their departure. On the other hand, it's a booze cruise before 11:30am nonetheless. Jillian and I texted and both agreed we should decline the opportunity, until the peer pressure began. So I went last minute.
Worst. Idea. Ever.
Since I left it to the last minute I had nothing in my stomach, which was still pretty queasy from drinking the entire previous day. Plus mornings don't sit well with me in the first place. Most pointless booze cruise ever. Amber didn't even go, as she had stayed out drinking until 4am. I had barely started sipping my second drink when I started to feel my stomach toss and turn, much like the ocean was doing merely feet from where I was seated. With just a second's warning I threw up vodka cranberry over the side of the catamaran. Embarrassing much? I am of hearty nautical stock. I love the water. My life revolved around boats due to my father's business and hobbies. I have never experienced motion sickness while on a boat of any shape or size. And it takes A LOT of booze to make me throw up. So yes, it was shameful. But I immediately felt better, especially when Erika gifted me with a granola bar from her purse. Instant cure. I stopped drinking for the most part and tried my best to have fun, the highlight being the dip in the ocean. Oh, except the part when my foot slipped when jumping off the boat. While my dive was not as painful as a belly flop, it was almost as close in gracefulness. I discovered later that I had actually sliced my baby toe open during this stunt. It's not too sore though.
Post-booze cruise we required sustenance. We then proceeded to make a spectacle out of ourselves at Cheesecake Factory, some of us more than others. Let's just say that one of our group will not be welcomed back to the establishment for quite some time.
Obviously a busy, busy week. Memorable, I suppose, but I'm okay with not repeating it for a while. For now I'll just lay low, save my money, and recuperate.
I'm afraid to see some of the pictures that may come out of the woodwork.
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