Saturday, February 2, 2013

dietary willpower

Mike and I are dieting...hard core.

It was time lol.

So no carbs, starches, sugars (okay, so we bend a little bit on sugars occasionally) and no soda. Butter is obviously limited or eliminated altogether in favor of olive oil. And once in a blue moon, I'll break down and have a teensy portion of potatoes with my two eggs and turkey bacon once a week. Leave me alone, I'm Irish and besides, I'm only human. For the most part it's strict city though.

I am accustomed to this severe of a diet, but he is not. He misses bread, but on his behalf, he never had to do this in the past. Kinda hard to be a fatty when you're in the Army. He could eat complete crap because of how much he exercised. You know, the total opposite of my lifelong lifestyle.

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