After eight long years, the reign of Bush is over. While I regret the loss of comedic fodder this change brings, I am hopeful and excited about our country's future...and ultimately, my future. Normally I hate change. I never adjust well. However, even my own reluctant self can recognize that it is time.
I am not going to blindly romanticize Obama's presidency like so many other Americans seem to be well on their way to doing. He is not a god. Our economy is not going to miraculously do a 180 today. Cancer is not going to suddenly cure itself. I may be hopeful, but I am still a realist. He admitted himself that mistakes would probably be made. He is human. And although staunch Republicans will most likely label Obama's confession as nothing but a disclaimer, just to cover his ass should something the magnitude of the WMD debacle occur under his watch, I believe he too is just trying to inject a morsel of realism into America. Bottom line? There is no easy fix. The good news? Now we have hope.
Hope is miraculous.
Apparently Republicans (okay, only the ignorant ones who feel the need to broadcast their opinions to the masses and condemn those with different ideas...so, you know, 90% of them...okay, I kid, I kid) aren't familiar with hope. I find it futile and redundant to rant about political differences. There are a few points I'd like to make though.
Republicans are a disgustingly negative group (obvious generalization). Their response to this would be to paint Democrats as unrealistic hippies with their heads in the clouds. Then so be it. I don't believe I'm unrealistic, but I am optimistic. Is that so bad? Isn't that the only option right now. What's the point in being all woe-is-me-I-lost-my-tail-again about the economy?
Democrats were deemed classless for booing Bush when he appeared at the inauguration. Perhaps it didn't exhibit the flawless manners our mothers sent us out into this world with, but those matter little after enduring eight long years of Bush. Mature? No, but well deserved. Although I won't say the entire nation was unwavering in their support of him, especially later on in his presidency, I do think that we all wished him success. How could we not? Whether we liked it or not, he was our president. Our success was dependent on him. Yet self-righteous Republicans can't do so much as hope the best for Obama and he has barely even started his term. This is the country you live in. Isn't it against your best interest to wish the worst for him? If you think I'm making this up just check out Rush Limbaugh's remarks of late. IT'S ONLY BEEN DAYS SINCE HE WAS SWORN IN! And Limbaugh specifically hopes Obama crashes and burns.
Please, please, please put your differences aside. Everyone is aware of where each side stands. No one is asking you to agree with everything Obama has to say, not even Democrats should feel obligated to do that. There is no reason to divide ourselves though. The current administration doesn't want everyone brainwashed to be on their team, but they do want some bipartisan efforts to be made. If we are going to mend our country, we need to do it together.
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