Sunday, March 18, 2012

call the popo, ho!

After years of recovering from a lackluster high school experience plagued by social awkwardness, I have apparently finally reached the epitome of cool. I had the cops called on me! Booyah, take that!

Betcha no one saw that coming...

If only it were that exciting. No, Mike and I had the cops called on us for taking a shower at midnight. Not a sexy shower (insert porn music here), mind you. Just a regular shower after both having worked over 10 hours that day. Within a minute of turning off the water there was a knock at the door. Mike goes to answer the door, still in his towel, as I cower out of sight in the bedroom.

Popo: "Hi, we've received a noise complaint about you." Awkward silence as cop obviously takes in Mike's wet hair and towel. "Umm, did you just get out of the shower?"

Mike: "Yeah, we just got home not too long ago. We were both at work all day."

Popo: "Oh...umm, okay." Awkward pause while cop wonders what the fuck he's doing there. "Just, umm, keep it down, okay? Have a nice night."

So either the cop thought we were having loud shower sex (which is what everyone else assumes when I tell them this story) or he realizes that my neighbors are all ridiculously hypocritical assholes.

If only their assholishness stopped here.