Tuesday, August 25, 2009

back with a vengeance?

I'm back. After a several month long hiatus, I'm not quite sure as to how "back" I am yet. Perhaps I just feel the need this one night. I am left physically exhausted by the day but mentally alert. I know I need to write more often. I know that. And I have often felt the urge, just not the motivation. Or perhaps it's the other way around? I mean well, I swear.

The thought of writing a recap of the last few months is disgusting at the moment. The details of my life are often too much for me to handle, so I shall spare you. Suffice it to say that I have extricated myself from the unsatisfactory living situation. I am the inhabitant of a house for the second time in my life, even if it still is a rental. I'm now living on the windward side, which is a hugely welcome change. The drive is not that much of a hassle.

Chores are becoming an issue. There is a monstrous pile of dishes in the kitchen. Every plate and bowl in the house is dirty and stacked 2 feet high. After being unofficially dubbed the mother of the house, I refuse to tackle the majority of them. I went on a cleaning spree a few days ago, so my share of household duties have more than been fulfilled as far as I'm concerned. And yet the dishes are untouched. I have to draw the line somewhere.

I went in search of a bowl, figuring I could handle washing just one, and discovered that mold has taken a deathly grip on the mile high pile. The dry-heaving set in and I had to exit the kitchen immediately.

After one roommate left for Minnesota for 3 weeks, I am left in a house with men. And Lord knows, men don't know how to clean.

1 comment:

Totoro said...

I am glad to see that you have returned from a long hiatus. I look forward to reading about your perspective of my Island home.
