Monday, April 12, 2010

no beach for me

I swear, every day I have off the weather is total crap. And I'm really not exaggerating. Each week there's a handful of perfect beach days. Then Monday rolls around and, lo and behold, it's completely overcast. I would rather it pour rain if it's going to be this dreary. At least then I could get a chilly, curl up and watch movies sort of day. This is just dull and pointless, as is seen in the pic of my front yard below.


Normally I aspire to hit the beach on days off, especially since the boyfriend and I acquired some moderately priced snorkel equipment last month. It may be near impossible to get him out of bed in time to enjoy the beaches of Lanikai, but I sure as hell am not going to let $50 of aquatic sporting gear go to waste! But alas, the sun does not want to cooperate.

Today I planned a biking excursion. I started the South Beach Diet once again on Friday and, in an effort to encourage my formerly somewhat svelte self to return, I decided some exercise was necessary. The beach was out already and I have a strong aversion to gyms, so the logical choice was an intense bike ride around the area. And then I rescued my bike from the garage. Apparently the garage was not sheltered enough for the bicicleta. The rust and creakiness factors were enough for me to call it quits. While I would have trusted it enough to get me to Blockbuster in town, I was not about to drive into the unknown only to have to drag the thing back had the chain snapped.

So my day remained relatively exercise-free. I did, however, make myself a fantastic SB friendly Indian inspired meal.

Mmm tomato beef curry with mushrooms and zucchini.

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