Wednesday, January 28, 2009

smile like you mean it

Dental hygienists are the spawn of the devil. Okay, perhaps an exaggeration on my part, but I do believe one of the requirements to become one has to be seriously sadistic tendencies. As the taste of my own blood filled my mouth I was just waiting to hear evil laughter emanating from behind that surgical mask.

My gums will never forgive me.

My teeth, however, are beaming with pride over the fact that it's been 3 years since I've stepped foot in a dentist office and I remain cavity free still. Rock on. These same teeth would be a lot happier if they hadn't also learned that I was advised to finally have my wisdom teeth pulled. Not because they hurt or anything, just as a preventative measure.

And since when do you not receive a free toothbrush at the dentist?!?!

On the way back from the dentist I had the funniest bus driver EVER. He was rambling on and on about anything and everything. He talked in weird voices and accents. After an older couple exited he told the rest of the bus patrons, "Alright, now that grandma and grandpa are gone WE CAN PARTY!" My faith is now restored in the public transit system, for they apparently are capable of hiring silly people.

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